CARE Esthetics - Feather Sounds Smiles

CARE Esthetics

Basics to Facial Esthetics – Facial anatomy

Aging skin is an inevitable process that occurs as we gradually get older. Several factors have been associated with this process which include both genetic and environmental factors.Exposure to sun, pollution, and various chemicals have been known to cause skin and/or DNA damage speeding the aging process.A number of changes to the skin may occur …

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What is Advanced Regenerative Medicine

What is Advanced Regenerative Medicine

One of the most challenging obstacles that patients and surgeons face is the body’s inability to jump-start the regeneration of diseased, damaged, or missing tissue. This problem has given rise to regenerative medicine, a field that focuses on using stem cells and specific proteins to aid in the regeneration of tissues and organs. While promising, …

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Platelet-Rich Fibrin

What is PRF

What is PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), and how does it work? Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a form of fibrin that contains a lot of platelets. PRF is a form of platelet-rich plasma that is called the second generation (PRP). PRF obtains platelets, white blood cells, fibrin, and mesenchymal stem cells from the patient’s blood. PRF has …

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