Advanced Facial Esthetics in Denton, MD


Drs Holsinger and Higgins have always been students of creating beautiful faces through creating beautiful smiles. Our journey in facial esthetics began in 2010 at the American Academy of Cosmetic dentistry. We heard world expert Dr Khanna from the United Kingdom speak. We were excited! His cases were amazing. He rejuvenated faces and gave his patients the look they desired through the use of manmade fillers and Botox. We had the opportunity to take several of his hands-on courses and then began offering our patients the opportunity to refresh their look through facial esthetics in 2011. Since 2011 we have continued our learning journey with advanced TMD training, training in treating sleep, snoring and airway problems, airway focused orthodontics, implant placement and many other areas of interest. In 2022 we purchased Fotana lasers to help us do better dentistry and shrink tissues in the back of the throat to reduce snoring.


Address: 10646 River Road, Denton, MD
Postal code: 21629
Phone number: 410-479-3644
Email address:
Clinic hours:
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 7:30 am-3:30 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am-3:30 pm
Wednesday: 7:30 am-3:30 pm
Thursday: 7:30 am-3:30 pm
Friday: By Appointment Only
Saturday: Closed

Dr. Rowland Holsinger, DDS

I grew up in Denton actually next door to our current office. I graduated from North Caroline High School and am an Eagle Scout. I was privileged to attend the Boy Scout XIII World Jamboree in Japan and was able to climb Mt. Fuji. I graduated from the University of MD College Park and then the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Dr. Higgins and I were married the day after we graduated from dental school. I completed a general practice residency program at the Wilmington Medical Center in Wilmington Delaware. We have 2 daughters Rebecca who is a Physical Therapist at the Kennedy-Krieger Institute in Baltimore and Allison who is a pharmaceutical marketer living in Manhattan. I have served on the Human Services Council in Caroline County, the Board of Zoning Appeals, been a past president of the Denton Rotary, and also the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore Dental Society and the Denton Church of Brethren. I have been the Dental Lead of the Easter Shore Dental Mission of Mercy continuously since 2012. I love dentistry and learning new things. I believe that once we believe in our minds, we can accomplish in our lives.


Dr. Patricia Higgins, DDS

Family is important to me. I am an Army Brat. My father was a career Army Officer. I love being a part of a big family. I have 4 older sisters and a younger brother. It was quite a culture shock for Rowland when he married into my big, loud Irish-Italian family. Rowland and I met in dental school. We married the day after we graduated. We both did residencies and later, associate-ships. When we were starting our family, it was time to build our own practice and plant roots for our future. What better place than Denton, where Rowland’s family had lived for more than 100 years. We have two grown daughters who worked in the dental office before and after school while they were growing up. They both had different callings, and we are proud of their accomplishments. I love Dentistry. I love being part of someone’s life journey. I know the power of changing smiles and changing lives. I am active in the MSDA to help mold Dentistry’s future. When I’m not in the office I love traveling, visiting family and friends, history, photography and other artsy stuff and believe it or not, scuba.


Why Choose Care Esthetics

We are the leading experts in natural esthetics.

We care for your comfort and satisfaction.

We guarantee beautiful and natural-looking results.


If you have any questions about CARE Esthetics or any of our procedures, please send us a message by filling out the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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